What is a Wetland Delineation and do I need one?
Wetlands and streams are important resources, both to humans and the environment, and knowing their boundaries is important to your development or project. If you own a property you plan on developing or building on for private or commercial reasons, it is important to know where you can or cannot build. If there are any streams, stormwater drainages, or “swampy” areas on your property, these aquatic resources could apply to the jurisdictional “Waters of the United States” buffers and must be determined before alteration or construction. Jurisdictional Determinations can also be useful pre-purchase, in order to give the purchaser awareness of the full potential of the property. Here at Brushy Fork Environmental Consulting, Inc. we are certified in Professional Wetland Sciences and are well-equipped to help with any pre-purchase or pre-construction 401/404 jurisdictional needs!
If your property clearly contains wetlands and streams, a Jurisdiction Determination would benefit you greatly because it allows Brushy Fork to delineate all streams and wetlands on the property. This puts all of the information in your hands so that you know exactly where you can and cannot develop the property in order to comply with state and federal regulations. Brushy Fork will do the leg work in determining the condition of the waters on your property, as well as submit an approved report of the determination to the appropriate agency.
After a Jurisdictional Determination has been made building and development plans can begin, working around any buffers imposed by state or federal agencies. As with any construction project, there will be permitting involved with federal and state organizations, counties, and perhaps even townships. Brushy Fork is also well-versed in permitting and can help you avoid violations from start to finish. We can complete Pre-Construction Notifications for 401/404 jurisdiction, which often require a Preliminary Jurisdiction Determination, as well as all other permitting requirements imposed by the states and counties within our service area. The Brushy Fork Team looks forward to helping you start your next project with a Wetland Delineation!