French Broad Holston Mitigation Bank
BFEC is currently working on a mitigation project which will provide a Tennessee in-leu fee program with 9217 stream credits from the restoration of 10,589 linear feet of streams in Hamblen County, TN. These streams are located on agricultural lands with a long history of degradation, including livestock access of the streams, removal of the riparian buffer, channelization of tributaries, and berming to provide flood control. As a result the reaches exhibit poor function, with areas of vertically erosive banks, poor sinuosity, and lack of bed form diversity. BFEC plans to address these issues and provide long term stream stability through installation of natural channel design structures, sloping and benching eroding banks, re-meandering channelized tributaries, excluding livestock, and planting a buffer of native woody riparian species along all reaches. The goal of these practices is to restore natural stream morphology, hydrology, floodplain connectivity, and native riparian vegetation at the project site.