Shady Valley, TN Mitigation Bank

BFEC worked with the Nature Conservancy (TNC) on the first stream and wetland mitigation project approved in the state of Tennessee. TNC had successfully banked wetland credits in the past but the stream component was a new undertaking for them. During the 1960’s the Soil Conservation Service straightened Beaverdam Creek and its tributaries to create agriculture land from this saturated valley floor. The goal of this mitigation project was to return these channelized, straightened, streams to a sinuous, natural state as well as restore the ecological/hydrologic function to the adjacent “prior converted” wetlands. Phase 1 of the project included the design of over 8,000 linear feet of stream restoration accompanied with 30+ acres of wetland restoration intended to offset impacts in the mitigation service area (South Holston watershed). Phase 1 design and permitting took place during the winter of 2009/2010. Construction began in the growing season of 2011 and continued into the fall. BFEC completed year five monitoring in 2016 and is currently working on Phase 2 of the project.