French Broad Holston Mitigation Bank
BFEC is currently working on a mitigation project which will provide a Tennessee in-leu fee program with 9217 stream credits from the restoration of 10,589 linear feet of streams in Hamblen County, TN. These streams are located on agricultural lands with a long history of degradation, including livestock access of…

Shady Valley, TN Mitigation Bank
BFEC worked with the Nature Conservancy (TNC) on the first stream and wetland mitigation project approved in the state of Tennessee. TNC had successfully banked wetland credits in the past but the stream component was a new undertaking for them. During the 1960’s the Soil Conservation Service straightened Beaverdam Creek…

Watauga Watershed Umbrella Mitigation Bank
Brushy Fork Environmental Consulting is working with North Carolina Department of Transportation to establish an umbrella mitigation bank in the Watauga River Watershed. The first site includes Linville Creek and three of its tributaries in Vilas, North Carolina totaling ±5,729 linear feet. Transportation projects in the Watauga River Watershed have resulted…